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Homemade Apple Butter

Author Haley


  • 15 lbs apples ~ a 5 gallon buckets worth
  • 2 T cinnamon
  • 1 T cloves
  • 1 t ginger
  • 1/2 t nutmeg
  • 1 t sea salt
  • 1 c honey


  1. Cut apples into quarters and trim any bad spots out. Add all of the cut apples to a large pot with 1 quart of water.

  2. Simmer on medium/low for about 20 minutes or until all of the apple are tender.
  3. Scoop the cooked apples out and place in the top of your food mill. Crank the handle, adding more apples as needed, until you are finished running all of the apples through.
  4. Pour all of the applesauce into a large pot and add in cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and salt. Stir.

  5. Simmer on low for about 10 hours stirring occasionally.

  6. Lower the heat to warm and cover with a lid overnight.

  7. In the morning, remove the lid and stir in the honey. Turn back up to low and simmer until a medium brown color and it is thick, about another 6 hours but it depends on the type of apple. Stir occasionally.

  8. Using a funnel, pour the apple butter into clean, hot jars leaving 1 inch headspace. Wipe off the rims of the jars and place lids and rings on the jars.

  9. Place the jars into a canning rack and put into a water bath canner making sure the jars are completely submerged in the water. Bring to a boil and process for 20 minutes.

  10. After processing remove the jars of apple butter to a towel on a flat surface. Once the jars are cool enough to touch check the seals. If any of the lids pop when you press them down place them in the fridge and use within a week.