Canning season is finally here! Every year I get so excited to start canning. It’s just so satisfying putting all the foods we’ve grown in the pantry where we can enjoy them all year around.
Usually the first thing to harvest is strawberries. This year wasn’t the greatest year for us in the strawberry patch so I put some away in the freezer for desserts and smoothies and we shared a bit and then they were gone. So when the blueberries decided to ripen a little early this year it got me wanting to can!
Jam is one of the easiest things to can. It’s fast, easy to prep, and very little clean up after the whole process is over. The crazy thing is I’ve never actually made blueberry jam. Every year we have so many blueberries and it never crossed my mind to make jam!
So this year I tried it out and it was just as easy as all the other jams I’ve ever made. A little disappointed that it’s taken us living here 7 years to try it out, but it’s definitely going to be a part of our yearly canning from now on.
You start off with a bunch of fresh, ripe blueberries. You’ll want to sort through them to remove any sticks, stems, and/or leaves. Then wash them in a strainer and remove the excess water. I figured out if I filled this bowl with blueberries it was the perfect amount for a recipe of jam. At this point I’ve made 3 batches. It should last us a while. 🙂

Next is an optional step. You could just make the jam with whole berries or mash them with a potato masher in the pot, but I like the consistency you get by whizzing them around in a food processor.

After you’ve got the berries blended up pour them into a large pot. Add in the package of pectin and turn until it’s dissolved. Turn the burner on high heat and stir constantly until you get it to a rolling boil. Boil for 1 minute and then add in all of the sugar and continue stirring. When it comes back up to a boil start a timer for 2 minutes and keep stirring!

Once the 2 minutes are up remove the jam from the stove onto a hot pad.

Skim off all the foam from the top and put it in a jar/container to enjoy later. I love spreading the foam on a biscuit. It’s just so fluffy!

After the foam has been removed fill your hot, clean jars with the jam. I made a total mess as I was filling the jars. Wipe off the rims (and any other part of the jars you spilled on) of the jars with a clean damp rag. Place lids and rings on the jars and then place them in the canner.

Place the lid on the canner and bring it up to a boil. Once it is boiling, process the jars for 5 minutes.

Once they are done processing, lift the jars out with a jar lifter and place on a clean dish towel on the counter. Leave them undisturbed for 24 hours and then check the jars to make sure they all sealed by pushing the center of the lids. If they pop they didn’t seal and you’ll have to store it in the fridge and enjoy it within 2 weeks. Otherwise, remove the rings and label the jars for storage.

This jam sets up so nice!

Almost out of this jar of jam. Gonna need to pop open another!

What produce are you canning this time of year? Leave a comment down below!
Canned Blueberry Jam
- 5 cups fresh blueberries
- 1 2 oz package of pectin
- 4 cups sugar
Sterilize Your Jars
I usually just sterilize my jars in the dishwasher but here is a link to how to properly sterilize your jars if your dishwasher doesn't have a sterilize function. Keep your jars nice and hot while you make your jam.
Making the Jam
First pick through and wash all of the berries. Drain off any excess water.
After all of the berries have been wash and drained place them in a food processor or blender and blend them up until the desired consistency is achieved. Do this in small batches and pour all of the blended berries into a large cooking pot.
Add a package of regular pectin into the blended blueberries. Stir thoroughly.
Turn the burner on high heat and bring up to a rolling boil while stirring constantly. It should boil even as you are stirring it. Once it has reached this point, boil for 1 minute.
Add in all of the sugar at once and keep stirring until it comes back up to a boil. Once you have a rolling boil, set a timer for 2 minutes. Don't stop stirring!
After the 2 minutes is up remove the pot from the heat. Once the bubbles have gone down skim all of the foam off the top.
Now you are ready to ladle the jam into your clean sterilized jars!
Canning the Jam
Using a jar funnel, fill your jars with the hot blueberry jam.
After the jars have been filled, wipe off the rims of the jars with a clean damp rag.
Place a lid and ring on each jar and then place the jars in the water bath canner on a rack. Make sure the jars are covered with about an inch or so of water when submerged.
Bring the canner up to a boil and process for 5 minutes.
After the jam is finished processing lift the rack up in the canner and using a jar lifter remove all of the jars to a clean and dry dish towel. Let the jars sit undisturbed for 24 hours.
Check the jars to make sure they have sealed by pressing the center of the lids. If they pop they did not seal but if they don't then they are sealed. Remove the rings and label them for storage. If a jar doesn't seal store it in the fridge and use within 2 weeks.

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