We are in another cold spell in our neck of the woods and so we just had to have a nice warm dessert to enjoy! Today’s recipe is one of my husband’s childhood favorites and a go-to for cold weather desserts.
…Philippians 4
by Haley 4 Comments
We are in another cold spell in our neck of the woods and so we just had to have a nice warm dessert to enjoy! Today’s recipe is one of my husband’s childhood favorites and a go-to for cold weather desserts.
…by Haley 2 Comments
Lately I’ve been craving (which means making) a lot of homemade breads. Right now my go-to recipes are my buttermilk biscuits, sourdough bread, sourdough english muffins, and these buttermilk scones. …
I have a weakness. That weakness is eating desserts. Especially late at night. I know it’s an awful habit and if I really set my mind to it I would break it but I haven’t chosen to do that quite yet. 🙂
So, in the meantime, while I still indulge in sweet treats I came up with this yummy little brownie recipe. Buttermilk brownies were my favorite kind of brownies as kid. I was a bigger fan of the cake brownies than the fudge brownies back then and these just hit the spot. …
You probably all know by now that I don’t really like sugar. I mean I like the taste of it but I don’t like what it does for my health. I am always trying to figure out ways to replace refined sugars in our house. One item that I have kept buying in this journey is chocolate syrup. I don’t use it much but my husband often wants a glass of chocolate milk after work and Scarlett likes to join in. So I went looking through some of my old pins on Pinterest and found a recipe for a homemade chocolate syrup and it got me thinking of ways to make it without regular white sugar. …
by Haley 3 Comments
In my quest to remove refined sugar from our diet I came up with this pudding sweetened only with honey. Part of the reason I don’t want to eat so much sugar is that it is so addictive. It takes so much effort to stop having it and if I slip up and have a dessert or something it’s like I crave it even more than I did before. I don’t like feeling dependent on it. Especially since it has no health benefits. …
I am a total snacker. I feel like I am almost always up for eating something… Especially something a little sweet after I’ve had a savory dish. I always like to end on a sweet note! Is anyone else like that? I could be completely satisfied with a meal but then I just feel the need to end my meal with something sweet. So that is where these peanut butter chocolate chip granola bites come into play! …