Oh my goodness it has been way too long since I have posted on the blog! In one of my last posts I had mentioned going back to work at the office a couple days a week and turns out I’m just not cut out to be a working mom. It was just too much for me to handle the office, keeping up with the housework, spending time with family and friends, and posting on the blog. So the blog suffered. 🙁 But now I am back to being a full time stay at home mom where I find the most enjoyment and that means I have time to sit down and share recipes and such with you all!
I have really missed posting here but I have put it off a couple weeks now because every time I thought about doing some writing I would just feel nervous/anxious about it and so I just kept holding off. But I’m so glad I sat down today and started this post because it is all coming back to me and I’m just as excited as I was at the start of this blog.
Anyways, let’s get down to business here! We can all sorts of jams and jellies throughout the year but I’ve never tried making anything spicy. I’m not exactly sure how it came about that I tried it out. It probably was a suggestion from my husband since he loves anything spicy. I had heard of fruit and jalapeno jams and jellies so I looked on Pinterest a little bit just to get an idea of what ratios I should use and then I just went for it.

This is great on toast, rolls, and biscuits. I recently tried it on a piece of toast with cream cheese and it was amazing!

You start by simmering the strawberries, jalapeno peppers, and water over medium heat.

After it’s done simmering it’s time to strain off the berry pepper mixture from the juice.

At this point you should have about 4 cups of juice. Pour the juice back into the large pot and add in the pectin. Heat over high heat to a rolling boil. Sorry for the steamy photos!

Add in the sugar and stir constantly until it comes back to a rolling boil. Boil for 1 minute and then remove it from the heat.

After you take it off the heat it will have foam across the top. Skim as much off as you can. BTW The foam is delicious, so don’t waste it!

Ladle the jelly into clean hot jars using a funnel to help avoid too much mess! This was the sixth jar I started to fill but it was only about 1/3 of the way full so I just stuck it straight into the fridge.

Wipe off the rims of the jars and place a lid and ring on. Place the prepared jars of jelly into a water bath canner. Bring to a boil and process for 5 minutes.

After processing, remove jars to a dish towel on the counter to cool. Check the lids for seals once they are cool to the touch. Any that don’t seal store in the fridge and use within 2 weeks. Sealed jars can be labeled and stored up to a year.

Hope you enjoyed this recipe! I will have lots of canning recipes throughout the summer so make sure to keep checking back!

Strawberry Jalapeno Jelly
Sweet and spicy!
- 12 c frozen or fresh strawberries
- 2 c diced jalapeno peppers ~ .75 lb
- 1 c water
- 1 package regular pectin
- 7 c sugar
Heat strawberries, jalapenos, and water to a simmer over medium heat. Simmer for 15 minutes.
In a separate bowl measure out the exact amount of sugar. Set aside.
Once the berries have simmerd for 15 minutes remove from heat and strain through a fine mesh strainer. You should have about 4 cups of juice.
Pour the prepared juice back into the pot and add in pectin. While stirring constantly, heat over high heat to a rolling boil.
Once the juice is boilng add in the premeasured sugar. Continue to stir and bring back up to a boil. Boil for 1 minute and then remove from the heat.
Skim off the foam from the top and then ladle into clean, hot jars.
Wipe off the rims of the jars with a damp rag and then place a lid and ring on the jar.
Place prepared jars in the rack of a water bath canner making sure there is atleast 1/2 inch of water over the jars. Bring to a boil and process for 5 minutes.
Remove jars and allow to cool. Once they have cooled to the touch check the seals on the jars. If any are not sealed place in the refrigerator and use within 2 weeks.
Recipe makes ~ 5 pints

So glad you are back and can’t wait to try this on grilled pork! Missing you kiddos💗