Week five’s theme was dental health. This theme is a lot of fun for me. I used to work as a dental office receptionist and this past week I went back to working part time! That is part of the reason this post is getting out so late… I’m still trying to figure out how to schedule our week so we can still fit everything in. 😀 Anyways, it’s great to teach young kids how important it is to keep your teeth clean and healthy.
We started our music study of Brahms this week. I wasn’t familiar with the songs we listened to but it was still enjoyable. After the next 3 weeks I’m sure we will become pretty familiar with his work!
For nature study we did pages 110-113 in our nature workbook. We learned a little more of the history behind groundhog day, signs that spring is coming, and spotting animal tracks. We weren’t able to find any animal tracks in our own yard but it was still fun to look at all the different track marks in the book.

For geography we did pages 35-39 in our workbook. One page each day of the week.

For science we did this plaque attack science experiment. Scarlett couldn’t wait to see what would happen to the cup with sugar and yeast in it! Every time the yeast foamed a little more she made sure everyone knew about it.

For art we painted this glittery tooth and we did this fun lego flossing activity. Scarlett loved both of these activities. Any activity involving paint, glitter, AND playdough is sure to keep her entertained.

For reading we learned the sight words Went, Are, and Now. We also read Doctor De Soto and Winnie the Pooh and Some Bees. I didn’t think I was familiar with the Doctor De Soto book but once we read it I totally remembered it from when I was a kid. The Winnie the Pooh book we read is my FAVORITE Pooh book so I was pretty excited to read that one to Scarlett.

For handwriting Scarlett wrote out her sight words for the week. We are starting to get back to handwriting being a struggle. Not because Scarlett can’t write the words, she just finds it boring so she likes to run through it quickly and write the words all over the place. Trying to teach her that handwriting is important and once she masters writing the letters she can write all sorts of different things herself!

Finally, for math we did our Mickey Mouse math workbook and morning starters workbook that we got from the Dollar Tree. We also did this roll and cover activity and the monster dice match game. The white playdough I had planned on using for the roll and cover activity seems to have turned into pink playdough so we just picked out orange instead of the weird pink color for teeth. Not the greatest color to represent teeth but we went with it anyway!

Thanks for stopping by the blog today! See you next week!
Links to resources mentioned in the post:
FREE preschool/kindergarten winter term lesson plan and supply list
My Pinterest board for all of the activities mentioned above
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