I’m not really sure why I love groundhog’s day so much but I’ve been looking forward to this theme since the start of the school year. I guess it’s just fun to be able to talk about it all week and then be able to watch the groundhog segment on the news with the kids. Scarlett got so excited this year. She wanted the groundhog to not see his shadow and she got her wish this year! Ironically, we are experiencing really cold temperatures (for our area anyway) right now and we might even get a little snow this week! 😀
We wrapped up our focus on Vivaldi for music last week. Next up Brahms!
For nature study we read pages 102-105. We weren’t able to catch any snowflakes to draw in our workbooks but we did watch this Youtube video about snowflakes. We also learned about rodents that like to come indoors. We have some bats that like to hang out in the area between the attic and the roof so Scarlett drew a picture of a bat.

For geography we did pages 30-34 in our workbook. Scarlett always looks forward to the activities/worksheets in this book. It’s nice that she does since we do one every day of the school week.

For science we watched a video on groundhogs. No experiment or anything. Just something informational. I just wasn’t able to find any good experiments for the groundhog’s day theme so we took a little break this week!

For art we made this cute groundhog craft. I didn’t realize that the groundhog was supposed to move up and down until the day of so I had to improvise on making something like a popsicle stick. I ended up taping an index card that I folded with packing tape and it worked out great.

For reading we learned the sight words This, Will, and I. We read The Secret of the First One Up (aka Groundhog’s Special Secret) and Tigger Is Unbounced. The groundhog book was so cute!

For handwriting Scarlett wrote her sight words.

Lastly, for math we did our Mickey Mouse math workbook and our morning starters workbook from the Dollar Tree. We also did this groundhog shadow match and the puddle jump math game.

Thanks for reading! See you all next week!
Links to resources:
- FREE preschool/kindergarten lesson plan and supply list
- My Pinterest board for all of the activities mentioned in this post
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