Week seven’s theme was superheroes! Scarlett got a Wonder Woman costume a while back and she loves running around catching people with her lasso of truth. 😀 This theme isn’t really very educational but it was pretty fun.
…Philippians 4
Week seven’s theme was superheroes! Scarlett got a Wonder Woman costume a while back and she loves running around catching people with her lasso of truth. 😀 This theme isn’t really very educational but it was pretty fun.
…Brrrrr! It has been so cold outside lately! In our area, February is usually the month with the coldest weather of the year and it SO just makes me want Spring to hurry up and get here!
…It was Valentine’s Day theme this last week. There were lots of conversation hearts and glitter involved and Scarlett was all about that! I don’t know if the conversation hearts are different than when I was a kid but the flavor wasn’t too bad compared to what I remember. 😀
…Week five’s theme was dental health. This theme is a lot of fun for me. I used to work as a dental office receptionist and this past week I went back to working part time! That is part of the reason this post is getting out so late… I’m still trying to figure out how to schedule our week so we can still fit everything in. 😀 Anyways, it’s great to teach young kids how important it is to keep your teeth clean and healthy.
…I’m not really sure why I love groundhog’s day so much but I’ve been looking forward to this theme since the start of the school year. I guess it’s just fun to be able to talk about it all week and then be able to watch the groundhog segment on the news with the kids. Scarlett got so excited this year. She wanted the groundhog to not see his shadow and she got her wish this year! Ironically, we are experiencing really cold temperatures (for our area anyway) right now and we might even get a little snow this week! 😀
…The other day I bought a package of boneless skinless chicken thighs that were on sale. It was, of course, a huge package so I divided it up into 2 meals and put them away in the freezer and kind of forgot about them…
A couple weeks went by and I realized I hadn’t done anything with them so I started brainstorming what new creation I could come up with. I looked around on Pinterest for ideas but I just wasn’t seeing anything that caught my eye and so I just made this recipe up as I went and they turned out perfect!