Our theme for the week was Snow/Winter. We don’t have snow in our area very often and when we do it’s pretty light, but it did get pretty darn cold last week so at least that was on theme. 🙂
I started out the week with playing Vivaldi through Spotify. Whenever I ask Scarlett who our composer is she almost always says Beethoven. I think it’s cool she is familiar with Beethoven and I know someday she will be able to identify who the actual composer is but for now she just makes me smile. 🙂
For nature study we picked out a few activities to do from the list on pages 98 and 99. We decided to go on a silent walk, look out the window with a pencil and paper and draw what we see, and read Charlotte’s Web. We were already reading Charlotte’s Web so we just decided to mark it off the list. We will complete the activities this month. The weather was pretty cold and wet so we didn’t go on a silent walk so we will have to do that in the next couple of weeks. Maybe we will have a day that isn’t windy… We have also been doing yoga every day. Scarlett gets some wiggles out and totally loves following along. I found this channel for kids!

For history/geography we continued our new geography workbook. This book is so simple and fun. Scarlett is always happy to do her daily assignments in it.
For science we did this fun hot chocolate experiment. We learned how to make predictions and the differences in hot, warm, and cold water molecules. Plus, the girls got to enjoy a tasty treat in the end!
For art we made this snowy day craft. This craft required puffy paint, just like last week’s craft. I decided to put the shaving cream in a bowl and then drizzle a small amount of glue over it to avoid full on slime this time. It worked out pretty good but I’m just curious is homemade puffy paint supposed to turn into slime or is it just the particular products I used?! Let me know if you have experience with it!
For reading we learned the sight words Do, Did, and What. We read The Snowy Day and Pooh’s Very Hot Summer Day. Scarlett wanted a shorter Pooh book and we were short on time so we went with this board book but normally I like to read her one of these Pooh books. I find these little Pooh books at the thrift store all the time!
For handwriting Scarlett wrote out her sight words.
Lastly, for math we did a couple of pages in her Mickey Mouse math workbook and a couple of pages in her morning starters workbook. I found both of the workbooks at the Dollar Tree. We also did this counting the snowballs math activity and the puddle jump math game.
See you next week with another recap!
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